Rahul Malhotra (played by Amir Khan), a bachelor with 705 votes on July 7th, has just heard the unfortunate death of his sister and brother-in-law through their lawyer (played by Tiku Talsania). He inherited their business; Two sons and one daughter. He found it difficult to control his well-trained manager Bhagwati Prasad Mishra (played by Mushtaq Khan) and his nephews and nieces in Japanese. His efforts to understand the business encountered more challenges; his efforts to find a suitable nanny were thwarted as one nanny resigned after being abused by three children. One day, the children sneaked into the market and met Vaijanti Iyer (played by Juhi Chawla) who ran away from home. She refused to marry the man her father had chosen. The children and Vaijanti attacked each other, and they turned against her. secretly brought to Rahul's house. With three, Rahul's hands are full, and now with a fourth, how does Rahul handle his life; his love life with Maya (played by Navneet Nishan); business; and Mr. Mishra?